I Put a Spell on you…

Organ-izations That Appreciate Your Support:

With so many worthwhile causes in Hawai'i to donate to, we chose a few that have touched our lives and our community directly recently. Trying to support everyone including animals! Even if you can spare $5. We will split up the donations evenly or just leave us a note on your Paypal check out saying who you'd like your contribution to go to. It takes a village and we are proud to help support multiple agencies in the spooktacular work they do for our communities! Please consider giving what you can.

Bring a canned good to donate to the Hawaii Food Basket!

Please help and continue to support our communities by donating to Maui relief efforts today. Make a donation to one of the several non-profit organizations we are working with!

Submit your monetary donation via PayPal with a note letting us know who you’d like to donate to. *All notes and correspondences are private and will not be shared publicly unless otherwise specified by you.

Mahalo for your support!

By The Pricking of My Thumbs, Something Wicked This Way Comes.